Terms and Conditions/Privacy Policy

Terms & Conditions For Using The AndrewWayfinder.Com Site And Services

Effective date: Jan 15, 2025

There is a very long form below this describing, in full and proper legalese, our relationship as consultant/coach/service provider (me) and coachee/client (you.)

Here is a short, summary in everyday English.

This is the disclaimer: I cannot guarantee your success. If I did, run away because it would mean I’m BSing you. It’s all about the effort and energy you put in and your unique circumstance – which I cannot control.

Therefore, by using anything related to the AndrewWayfinder.Com (AW) website and/or affiliated pages or when purchasing programs and services from Andrew Wayfinder Consulting, LLC (AWC,LLC) you do not hold AW or AWC, LLC liable in any way for your success or failure and release AW or AWC, LLC from any liability, perceived or otherwise.

These programs and services are for educational purposes only and no guarantees are made in regards to your financial, emotional, spiritual, health, or any other areas of life development.

However, disclaimer notwithstanding, I will work my hardest with you to achieve your goals of personal growth.

Website Terms & Conditions

No content may be copied and used without proper identification from the original source (this website) and/or permission from the creator of the content – Andrew Hryniewicz.

Privacy Policy

Any information shared on this site, or in your course, will NEVER be sold to a third party. The information gathered is strictly for AW or AWC, LLC – this is serious stuff.

By visiting this site, you have agreed to abide by the disclaimer, website terms and conditions, privacy policy, and any other policies – found in this Terms & Conditions area – stated within a contract for programs and services.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about thisDisclaimer, Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions, please contact:

By email: andrew@andrewwayfinder.com

By visiting this page on our website: https://www.andrewwayfinder.com/contact/

By mail: Andrew Wayfinder Hryniewicz, Chelsea Cloisters, 87 Sloane Ave, Chelsea SW3 3EH UK